❤阿雷克斯的第一次鞭打(一个真实的故事)1男/男 原创翻译 || 784字

阿雷克斯的第一次鞭打(一个真实的故事)1 男/男 (原创翻译请勿转载)




一个身材并不高大的中国人走了进来,用着愉悦的语气问我想玩要什么。我告诉他自己是一个“新手”,而他却把皮鞭从我的拿了过去,仍然微笑的望着我,然后他对着空气挥了几下鞭子,轻轻拍打着我的肩膀和身体。“来吧”(多谢mmmxxx告诉我C'mon是come on的意思)他告诉我“我将把你绑起来然后用鞭子抽。”我对如此的决定提出了抗议。“快点决定吧,”他鼓励着我“你会喜欢的。你知道你需要它。”对于这点我并不能反驳。而且令我吃惊的是,我比自己所想象的还要冷静的承受了整个过程。




Alyx’s First Whipping (a true story)

by Alyx

Since I was a thirteen-year-old boy, I have always wanted to be tied up and whipped. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know. Well, finally, it has happened. Just last night. It took over thirty years for my dream to come true, but it was worth the wait.

I was in New York, on vacation, and discovered a place where men can go to explore such interests. Needless to say, I was there. I went into a secluded room and sat on a chair, barechested, not really expecting anything to happen, but enjoying the expectation and tha fantasy none-the-less. In my hands I held two long strips of black rawhide, which I was slowly braiding into a home-made whip. My fantasy was that

someone would come in and see me there, and decide to use it on me. I wasn’t expecting much, since I am now overweight and middle-aged, but still, the yearning of young Alyx cried from within with the cry I have heard for so, so often.

A short Chinese fellow came in and cheerfully asked me what I wanted. I told him that I was a “beginnner,” and he took the whip out of my hands, still smiling at me, and began lashing it through the air, striking my shoulders and torso. “C’mon,” he told me, “I’ll tie you up and whip you.” I protested. “C’mon,” he urged, “you’ll like it. You know you need it.” Couldn’t protest there. And, much to my surprise, I went, far more calmly than I thought I could.

Several things helped make it easy to surrender to him: he was cheerful and friendly; this might well be my only chance; it was, after all a public place, and therefore safer, and there weren’t too many people around to witness what would turn out to be an intense scene of subjection.

Any way, he took me to a back cubicle where there was a whipping post in the form of a large X. It was so easy to go with him, to let him take my wrists and tie them behind

my back, and then to truss me to the whipping post. He strick me a few times on the back and slapped me around a bit while I got used to the idea of being subject to his will. Then he undid my pants and pulled everything down to my boots, leaving me bound and exposed to the view of those who had gathered around to watch.