🐳[参赛作品][原创M/F]45~~~~~ [ || 0字

A few days later, I went home in a very cranky mood. I did not want to do anything and even refused to do my homework. Daddy asked me what’s the matter but I did not want to talk to him and I did not want to tell him why I was so cranky. However, there is a rule that I have to do homework right after school. Daddy warned me and he said if I still did not start doing homework now he would have to give me a spanking. So, I had to walk to table and start doing my fucking homework. After finishing all homework, daddy said I could watch TV for a while before dinner. I did not feel like watching TV or playing games at that time so I went to my room. Why was I so cranky??? Because….because… the school report… two 45. How could I show this school report to Daddy? Daddy said I was a smart girl and all my grades must at least above 90. But now I have two 45 and the sum of them is only 90. What to do?? I had to hand in the report tomorrow. Shall I show it to Daddy or just hide it. In order not to get any punishment, I’d better to hide itI thought everything was good and no one could find it out. However, Daddy called my school the next day, talked to my teacher about my school, and asked why I was so cranky yesterday. Of course, my teacher found my report card and told my Daddy that I got two 45. I am sure Daddy was very shocked when he heard it. Before the school was over, I was asked to see my teacher. She gave me back my report card and said it need a signature from my parents or guardian on the bottom of the report card. Damn it. NOW I had to show it to my Daddy. On the way home, I was thinking if I really need to show this poor report card to my Daddy because I had not known that Daddy called my teacher today. When I got home, I saw Daddy was typing something on his computer. I did not want to bother him so I went to my room and did my homework. “Rachel, come here right now!” he said still in a very nice voice. I walked toward to Daddy and said “Yes, Daddy. What’s up?” “Don’t you want to talk to me now?” he asked. “No, Daddy. I am good and I need to do homework now.” I turned back and wanted to walk back to my room. “Where is your school report Rachel?” I stopped and asked “what?” I reacted like I did not understand what Daddy said in English. Daddy repeated it again. “umm… what report card?? I don’t have it.” I said. Daddy stood up, grabbed my hand and said “come with your daddy now!” “NO, NO, NO, sorry daddy, I have report card. Sorry….” I was trying to get rid of his strong hand. “OK, now show me your report card!!!” Daddy made a very cranky face and spoke louder. I opened my bag and took out my poor report card. Before I gave it to Daddy, I apologized for getting such poor grades at school and lying and also promised I would not do it again. However, Daddy did not listen to me and took my report card. His face was getting redder because he was very angry. He sat on my bed and said “come here, young lady!” I thought he was going to spank me so I backed off and was trying to run away. “I am not going to spank now but we need to talk about your grades NOW!!! Come here and sit on my laps,” he said. I doubted and I was afraid he lied to me so I asked “you will not spank me, will you?” “I will NOT spank you NOW, young lady. Come here RIGHT NOW otherwise I will spank you NOW!!!” he yelled. I walked to him and sat down on his lap gingerly. He showed me my report card again and said “NOW, tell Daddy why you got such bad grades!! Did you understand what the teachers said in the class?” he asked. “Yes, I understand.” “So, tell daddy why you got such poor grades?” I did not say anything but started crying because I did not know how to tell daddy the reason that I got such poor grades was because I did not prepare for the tests and I did not apply myself. Daddy asked me again why I could not get 90 or 95 on my tests. I really could not tell daddy the reasons and felt very shameful for it. How could I tell him that not preparing for the tests is why I got such poor grades. I kept telling daddy sorry and hoped he would forgive me. “Daddy is waiting for your answer, young lady!!! I know you are sorry but tell me the reason first!!!” Oh, boy, my butt felt hot and tingles now. I looked down and said “sorry daddy, the reason is I did not prepare for the test. But I promise I will apply myself from now on and I will NOT get such bad grades again. I promise.” “NOW stand up and go into that corner.” Daddy said. I went into the corner and felt like I was a very sorry little girl at that time. Daddy began lecturing me while I stood in corner. After a long lecture, daddy asked “don’t you feel guilty for being such a naughty girl?” “Yes, I’m sorry daddy, I promise I will apply myself and get 95 on my tests.” I apologized over and over again. Daddy left my room and I thought it was over. However, daddy said “stand there for 30 minutes and think about it!!!” I felt terrible now and cried harder. In 30 minutes, Daddy came back. I turned back and saw a big black bag in daddy’s hand. “Who told you could turn around? 10 more minutes for such a bad behavior!!!” After about 10 minutes, daddy said “come here, Rachel.” I turned back and walked to Daddy. I looked down on the floor because I really felt very guilty for two 45 and I said “sorry daddy! I felt guilty about it and I promise it will not happen again!!” Daddy patted my head and said “you will feel better after your spanking.” “WHAT??? A SAPNKING???” I looked at daddy and shocked my head. “NO, Daddy, NO, I’m sorry, Please don’t spank me.” Daddy sat down and put me over his knee. Now I was in such a TERRIBLE position and I was trying to get up. Daddy held my waist and said “keep still, young lady. It will be over soon and you will feel better after it!” And then the room was filled with “SMACK, SMACK, SMACK…” and my crying voice. Daddy gave me a few swats on my pants and he looked at me and said “I know you never get spanked because your parents spoiled you! But now I have to be strict to you. Now if I give number from 1 to 10 and 1 stands for this spanking hurts a lot and 10 means this spanking is nothing. Tell daddy a number.” “umm… I think 5, daddy. Why did you ask me that?” Daddy did not answer my question but he continued spanking me. “OUCH, OUCH, daddy, it hurts!!!” I started yelling now because Daddy spanked me harder and harder. Daddy stopped for a while and started rubbing my butt. I felt so sorry and I thought my butt disappeared so I reached back and rubbed my butt. Daddy said “NO RUBBING!!!” and started spanking me again!!! However, I could not help reaching back and protect my poor bummy. Daddy had warned me many times for not reaching back and finally he started tugging down my pants. OMG… NO WAY!!! “I’m a high school student, I am a big girl. Daddy, it’s too embarrassing!!! I promise I will NOT reach back, PLEASE Daddy!!! PLEASE!!!” I yelled but it seems that daddy did not hear it and he still took down my pants. I felt my butt was on fire now and I did not want to get any more spanking so I reached back and begged daddy to stop spanking me. To my surprise, Daddy did not stop spanking and he even was taking down my panties. I wanted to die in that moment. All of sudden, I lost control and started yelling, kicking, crying, yelling and begging for stop. Until my bummy was very sore and RED, Daddy stopped and put back my panties and said “STAND UP now!” I stood up quickly and rub my butt. “NO RUBBING!!! How many times do I need to tell you not rub!!! If I see you rub your butt again without my permission, you will get any other OTK trip. Do you understand?” I nodded. Daddy gave a hug and told me he forgive me. I went to my desk, sat down very gingerly and started doing my homework while daddy went to cook dinner. At night, daddy still allowed me to watch TV and play games because he knows that I will apply myself and do well on my test.At 10:00, I went to bed. Daddy sat down on my bed and rubbed some lotion on my sore red poor bummy and told me a good bedtime story. Next morning, I woke up and saw my report card on my desk which has daddy’s signature on the bottom and a paper which daddy writes “Daddy loves you!”PLEASE DO NOT POST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE WITHOUT CONSENT WITH THE OWNER. Thank you. :slight_smile:

whoooops… sorry. umm… do you really wanna translation? I can rewrite it in Chinese, but it takes very long time. but if you really need it, i probably can do it before my school starts.

thanks a lot for translating it. did you use some software to tranlsate it? LOL cuz i found some of my typos. hehehe…

anyway, thanks!!! I’d appreciated it. :slight_smile:

so you like this translation??? well… in fact, I translated it myself. but i did it 2 years ago, when I could type on my OLD dell laptop. now i’m using ibm laptop, umm… my chinese is getting worse, so i dont think i can tranlsate so well now. :slight_smile:

lol. sorry, that’s my tranlation. someone did it for me… sorry… i mistook the other. :frowning: sorry

LOL… well, I dont read chinese, cuz my chinese is not that good. for me… short chinese is okay, but long essay in Chinese will make me sick, so i did not really read that chinese translation. sorry…

Well, i guess the person who post the chinese verson already deleted it. umm… I dont think I have time to translate my story, It always takes me forever to translate English to Chinese. hehehe… sorry, My chinese really sucks. if you will not charge me anything, then yes, I hope someone can help me translate it for me. I will appreciate it. Thanks!!!

NICE JOB!!! Thank you very much. I think you did not finish translating all of them. I read half of them, cuz my reading speed is horrible slow. Well, one day, i promise one day, I will read all of them. not tonight for sure, cuz i have 6 classes tomorrow. umm…I told my “daddy” that someone translated my story from English and Chinese just now, and he was very happy too. I asked him if he wanted to read it, but he said no, cuz he did not know Chinese at all. hehehehe… I can tell you a joke. once i told him how to say “xie xie” in a chinese resturant, then i told him how to say “bu yong xie” too. You knwo what you said after i said “bu yong xie?” He said “what… WE DONT SHARE?” hehehe… he said “bu yong xie” sounds very similar to “we dont share.”

one more thing. you asked me what’s the difference between “daddy” and parents. Well, he is my friend, actually, but I called him “daddy.” I feel loved when he called me some nickname and when i called him daddy. He kinda spoils me, and he loves me very much, and he always takes cares of me. :slight_smile: However, parents are my real parents. They dont spank me at all… sigh* another story.

well, i understand it… thanks… in fact, i’m dizzy, very very very dizzy. I’m sick today, and have to take class from 11am to 8pm, no break. I’m exhausted now, and still have to do homework. :frowning: well… life… sucks

but thank you for translatin my story. i wish i could have time to do it, but i really did not have time, and i could not translate… it’s hard for me to translate now, cuz my chinese… sigh*

Thank you again. :slight_smile:

hehe… it’s okay, take your time. Thank you :slight_smile:

thank you!