📚[原创M/F]I hope it will never happen to me. || 105字

I hope it will NEVER happen to me!!!

This story is based on one of my dreams so it is not a real story. I hope it will not happen to any family. If now you are happy, I think you’d better not read it further because it probably will ruin your good moond. In the other hand, if you want to cry, then keep reading. Hope you enjoy it!


When I was very young, my mommy left me and my daddy. I did not know where she went but I knew every time, I mentioned mommy in front of daddy, he would get cranky and sad at the same time. Therefore, I did not ask daddy about mommy too much and daddy did not talk to me about mommy at all. Since I am the only child in my home, my daddy loves me very much. Those who know my family always think my daddy spoils me. However, they do not know that my daddy also punishes me when I misbehave. When I was a little girl, daddy would give me corner time and then a light spanking for my misbehavior. Nevertheless, as I grow up, daddy’s punishment is also becoming harder and more severe.

In fact, I never hate my daddy after he spanked me. I knew that I did something wrong and deserved a hard lesson from him. Meanwhile, I did not feel that my daddy did not love me any more since he always hugged, kissed me, told me that he forgave me and still loved me. My daddy was not like some EVIL daddies who left their kids cry very hard and did not comfort them. My daddy is very nice and fair to me. I love him so much.

Everyday after school, my daddy would come to my school and pick me up. All my friends in school envied me of my nice and fair daddy. They always complained how long they had been grounded at home and their parents did not understand them. They knew my daddy sometimes spanked me but after spanking, I was forgiven and could do anything that I want again. While I was getting older and older, my daddy was becoming busier and busier with his job. Sometimes he had to work late and could not pick me up right after school. My daddy felt sorry for not being able to care me as much as he did before and he mentioned he was going to find a new mommy for me once. A few days later, daddy brought a very beautiful and young woman to my home and told me to call her auntie. I shyly called her “aunt” and she smiled at me. Daddy told me that aunt would take care of me when he was busy and he told me to listen to auntie. Since aunt was very young and she looks nice and beautiful, we became friends soon. My daddy was happy about it and he could focus on his work. However, one day, daddy and auntie came home and daddy happily told me that from now on, I should call “auntie” mommy. I did not understand why but I still listened to daddy and called her mommy.

“Daddy, why shall I call her mommy?” I asked daddy one night when he told me a bedtime story. Daddy smiled at me and asked me if I love her or not. I nodded and said “but…… I only have one mommy and …” Before I finished my sentence, daddy stared at me angrily for a few minutes and left. I knew I should not have mentioned mommy but I really did not want to call that woman mommy and I did not dare to tell daddy that. In order not to call her mommy, I always avoid talking to her or sometimes even called her “hi!” She was still very nice to me. Daddy had warned me many times to call her “mommy” instead of “hi” or “auntie” or other names. He even threatened me with spanking if I kept being rude to “mommy.” I knew daddy was serious about it and I was scared so when daddy was home, I tired to be “nice” to her and called her “mommy.”

Since my daddy had her, he did not care me as much as he did before. After he got home from work, he would go kiss her and spend time with her. He did not care about me any more. Usually, daddy would check my homework at night but he did not do it any more instead he watched TV with her. At weekends, daddy would go out with me but now he only went shopping with her. It seems that I had a new “mommy” but I lost my daddy. The only good thing for me after I had this mommy is my daddy did not spank me when I misbehaved. Daddy was too busy to spank me and sometimes when he was trying to spank me, “mommy” would come and protect me so he could not spank me. In order to have daddy’s attention, I did bad things at school on purpose and did not study or do homework at all. My teacher wanted to talk to my parents about my misbehavior and bad grades. I knew daddy would spank me if he knew I was naughty at school so I told “mommy” to go to school and talk to my teacher. She went to school to talk to my teacher. After we got home, I warned her not to talk my daddy what my teacher said in school. She looked at me and said “OK, I will not tell daddy this time but you have to be good and study harder from now on.” I did not thank her and went back to my room. At night, daddy suddenly asked me about my school and wanted to check my homework. I told him I had finished homework and I was too lazy to go to my room and get them. Daddy looked furious and grabbed my arm and gave me a firm smack on my butt. I yelled “OUCH!” “GO GET YOUR HOMEWORK NOW!!!” daddy demanded. I had no choice but did as I was told. When I came back to living room, I saw “mommy” was whispering something to daddy. From the look on daddy’s face, I guessed she was telling daddy my misbehavior and bad grades at school. I was scared, slowly walked to my daddy and handed daddy my homework. Daddy glanced at my homework and report care and threw them away, patted his lap and instructed me to over his knee. “Daddy……” I was trying to insist and walked back. “NOW, OVER MY KNEE!!” shouted daddy. I marched toward daddy and over daddy’s lap. At first, daddy gave me 5 swats to warn me keep still and then he started scolding me. I was right that she had told daddy what my teacher said. I was sobbing while listening to daddy’s lecture. I felt shameful and bad and apologized to daddy for what I did and promised I would be good. When daddy was checking my homework, I felt his breath was getting quicker and quicker. I knew daddy was very mad at me now. Soon daddy began spanking me. Maybe because daddy did not spank me for a long time or maybe daddy was very angry, I felt daddy spanked me extremely hard this time. In a few minutes, I started kicking, crying, yelling and begging. Mommy stood there and watched daddy spanking me. When daddy’s hand was on my waistband, I knew it was time for panties come down. I begged daddy not tug down my panties but he did it anyway. Until my butt was very red, mommy walked to us and tried to persuade daddy to stop spanking. Daddy gave me a few more swats and let me up. Once I stood up, I rubbed my sore bummy immediately. Daddy stood up and scolded me again. I trembled still with fear. After daddy finished, he sent me back to room without hugging or anything. I went back to my room and pull myself on the bed, crying hard. The next morning, daddy told me I had to go home right after school, I had to do homework, and I could not watch TV or play computers until my grades were much better. I nodded and said “OK.”

After that spanking, I behaved for a few weeks. Still, I remembered what she did to me. She broke her promise and did not help me when daddy spanked me. I hated her and I wanted to revenge. Yet, when daddy was home, I could not do anything but pretend to be nice to her. In fact, when daddy was at work, she and me argued and fought all the time. After daddy got home, she would tell daddy what I did to her. Sometimes I even did not talk to her, but she made up stories to my daddy. My daddy trusted her very much and every time daddy would come to my room, spanking or lecturing me after her complaining about me. For small mistake, daddy would only hand spanked me, but for big mistakes, daddy punished me very severely with paddle, hairbrush, strap, wooden spoon, the wild thing, and even big butt plug which daddy used when I was extra naughty.

Now daddy cared me very much but his care was so weird. The only thing he cared was if I was rude to “mommy” or not. I had got used to being spanked since daddy spanked me very often. So as to make me behave, daddy threatened me with implement sometimes. I hate people threatening me and I started being scared of daddy. I did not dare to talk at home and stay at my own room day and night. When daddy or she talked me, my answer is either YES or NO because I was afraid I would say anything wrong that made them angry or get myself in trouble. Thus, I had better not to talk them. I did not like my home any more and felt it was not home.

Daddy’s birthday was coming and daddy was in a good mood. He was happy and did not threaten me or spank me as often as he did before. On daddy’s birthday, I gave daddy the gift and wish him happy birthday. She bought a very nice gift for daddy too. Her gift was one pair of cup. They looked cute and nice. Daddy kissed her and thanked her for such a good gift. She used that 2 cups making coffee. Then they sat on couch, talking. I thought they did not want to watch TV so I was trying to get the remote control on the table. Daddy put remote control beside his coffee. When I was trying to reach remote control, I touched his cup and made it fall down. In fact, the first time, I attempted to get remote control, daddy had warned me stop but I did not. So now I broke daddy’s new mug, and I apologize right away and was trying to make up my mistake. Before I have not opened my mouth, I’ve heard daddy barked “GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM, STAND IN THE CORNER WITH YOUR PANITIES DOWN AND WAIT FOR ME THERE!!!” I knew I was wrong and made daddy very mad. “I am really sorry for that and I do not mean to break that cup”, I whispered while marching myself to room.

A few minutes later, daddy came to my room. “Come here” daddy commanded. “daddy, I’m sorry, I really don’t mean……”I did not finished my sentence. I had found myself over my daddy’s knee. SMACK SMACK SMACK……… “I AM SORRY!!!”I yelled. I knew daddy would not stop spanking me so soon but I just hoped daddy would forgive me for that and wanted to tell him I really did not mean to break that. However, daddy did not listen to me at all; he kept spanking me harder and harder. I tried my best to stay still on daddy’s lap and not beg him to stop or not complain too much. Finally, daddy stopped spanking me and let me up. I thought my spanking was over but I was wrong. “Go lie on the bed, and you know the position!” daddy said. I lied on the bed and took 2 pillows under my stomach so my butt would be up in the air. I looked back and saw daddy had picked up a cane. I was nervous and scared so I put my face in my hands and avoided seeing my daddy. CRACK CRACK Daddy started caning me. I did not know how much he caned me since I did not count. I felt my butt was on fire by that time my daddy let me get out of the bed and sent me to the corner again. After I sat there, my daddy told me he wanted me to stay there and say “I’m sorry and I deserve spanking! I love my daddy and mommy” loud for 100 times and he could come back when I finished.

I stood in the corner and kept saying “I’m sorry and I deserve spanking! I love my daddy and mommy!” I hope I would finish that as soon as possible so daddy would come back and told me he forgave me or gave me a chance to explain to him. When I finished it, I thought daddy would come back. Conversely, daddy did not come back immediately. Thus, I had to wait for him. I waited for a very long time and I felt tired and sleepy so I sat down on the carpet and fell asleep. The next thing I knew is daddy grabbed my ear to get up and asked firmly me “what are you doing, young lady!!!” “Daddy, I’m sorry, I finished but you did not come back……” I was trying to explain to my daddy. “I don’t want to hear anything from you. Go get on the bed, lie on your tummy!” commanded daddy. I guessed daddy might just give me more canings. To my surprise, daddy walked to me with a HUGE BUTT PLUG and Vaseline. “NO NO NO NO, Daddy, PLEASE, I’m SORRY!!! I’LL BE GOOD!! NO BUTT PLUG!!! I STAND IN THE CORNER, NO BUTT PLUG!!! PLEASE!!!” When I felt the butt plug was going into my little ting bummy hole, my anus was trying to push it out because she felt she was invaded. I felt daddy took it out for a second; the next second daddy inserted it all the way into my bummy hole WITH FORCE! “OOOOOOOOUCCHHH” I yelled with my tears. “Daddy, take it out, please” I pleased. “NO, stay IN! YOU DESERVED IT!! NOW LIE ON YOUR TUMMY!!!” I squirmed and lay my right side, thinking how mean and evil my daddy was!! “LIE ON YOUR TUMMY THIS INSTANT!!” I tried my best to lie on my stomach but I shake my body and was crying. I saw daddy took the wild thing and walked to me. I did not dare to see daddy spanking me with that so I put a pillow over my head. In order not to yell when I was spanked, I bit my fingers and hoped my fingers would hurt more than my butt so I would forget my poor butt. The harder daddy spanked, the harder I bit my fingers. When the spanking was over, my fingers were all sore and swollen. Now I could cry hard. I thought daddy would come and hug me and told me he still loved me and forgave me. However, daddy left and went out with her. I kept crying and crying until I fell asleep again. When I woke up, it’d been midnight. I got up and found my daddy and her asleep in their room. “My daddy does not love me any more and he abandons me now. He loves her, not me… I’d better leave so he does not need to see me any more.” I thought while crying. I packed up my stuffs and left a message to my daddy. I wrote “daddy, I’m sorry! Happy birthday! I really did not mean to break that cup. I’m sorry…. I still love you and hope you enjoy your life. Bye. LOVE, Rachel” and put it near my daddy’s computer.

I picked up my bag and left home……


I dont think I can change it now. ummm… well… you understand it, right? so it’s okay. hehehe

Thank you. In fact, i posted this one on my blog for a few months, but people who read it, never told me i made a mistake. you are the first one. Thanks a LOT!!!

xie xie. :slight_smile: hope you like it.

ah??? gosh, i hope i wrote it in Chinese before… ummm… I will try to translate, okay???

sweetie, it’s not a real story. I know it’s a sad story. I understand it. Well, when I wrote this story, I was crying. It did not happen, but a very similar thing happened to me. I mean… I knew a guy, and I call him “daddy”. Yes, I know he loves me, and I love him too. But I kinda feel he ignored me from time to time, so I feel I’m like that girl in the story. Dont worry, it’s not a real story, so dont be sad. :slight_smile:


Thank you very much, really, thanks a LOT!!! I copied this sentence and sent it to my “daddy”. he laughs, heheh… he does not understand Chinese, cuz he is american. hehehe… Well, I told him people here say hi to him. Thank you!!!

well, of cuz, i hope it will never happen to me. umm… in fact, it’s kinda happening to me. He felt that too. one night, he scolded me and told me the other girl was not his girlfriend. Of cuz, I know she is not, but still… when he is with her, he is always so happy and busy, and even sometimes he ignored me. When I wrote this story, I also feel very sad. I never told him i wrote this story, and post it on my blog. Probably one day, he found this story and read it. To be honest, I really love him, and hate sharing love with other girls. umm… he said he would be my daddy and always, ever, forever. I will be his lil braT forever too. hehehe…

umm… well, i dont know what will happen. Yes, it’s not a real story. but it’s kinda true to me. I dont know if one day, i will leave him or not. as he said, i would leave him one day when I marry someone. umm… i hope I will not. I also hope he will love me forever. He is important to me now. I love him… if this story really happened, and he really treated me like shit, i would leave him. just leave him. I dont want to hurt him at all, cuz i love him.

I hope you are happy too. dont be sad after reading this story. :slight_smile: be happy… SMILE!!!

I will consider to write future about this story, Thank you for advises. :slight_smile:

but… shall i write something happy or sad … ummm… i dont know… hehehe…

thank you. :slight_smile:

I will try to write more stories soon…

well… i hope there is no such a man exist in the world.

that’s great… so you have someone to spank ya?

I dont know too much Chinese… and I dont think I will be able to translate it… sorry about that.

LOL… hmm… since I never have a boyfriend who spanks me, I dont know what it will feel like being spanked by a boyfriend. maybe, one day, when i try it, i will be able to write such kinda stories.