🎃其他【二短m/f】In Fanny's Genes == 在Fanny的基因里 || 3366字

This is one of my Daddy’s stories. I remember the first time when I read it, I fell in love with it. It is always my favorite spanking story. Because of this story, I deiced to email my daddy and then we know each other. About a few months ago, I wanted to translate this story into Chinese, since I want many people to read it and like it. My Chinese is not that great to translate the whole thing, so I asked Zhu Shi to help me to translate it. Thank you Zhu Shi.
这是我“daddy” 其中的一个故事。 我记得我第一次读到这个故事的时候, 我就喜欢上它了。 它一直是我最喜欢的故事。 就是因为这个故事,我决定给我的Daddy发邮件,然后我们就互相认识了。 大概几个月前, 我想把这个故事翻译成中文的,因为我想让更多的人读这个故事。 我的中文不是很好,所以我就请蛛丝帮我翻译。 谢谢蛛丝!!
I also asked my daddy if I could publish this story in our “Tong Kuai Tian Kong” website. He said YES, so I am posting here and hope people will enjoy it.
我问过我的Daddy 我是不是可以在我们的痛快天空发这个故事, 他说可以。 那么, 我希望大家读它, 也喜欢它。 我尽我最大的能力在这里翻译了, 如果你有什么不懂的话,请和我联系。
In Fanny’s Genes == 在Fanny的基因里 (Fanny 可以是一个人的名字,但是, 它也可以被认为是屁股的意思)

I’ll never forget the first time Donna walked into my life. The Internet was in its infancy, and I was posting on a message board when I used to be a member of the Prodigy service. I replied to a letter of Donna’s and that started it all. The romance, the spanking good times, the dating, the falling in love, the wedding, the honeymoon, and finally, those fateful words of, “Kevin, I’m pregnant!”
我永远不会忘记,当Donna第一次走进我的生活。那个时候的网络还不是很发达。 当时的我还只是一个 Prodigy service 的会员。 我在留言板发帖, Donna 回帖,我们一直在网上聊天。就这样我就和 Donna 开始了一切。浪漫,美丽的SP,约会,恋爱,结婚,蜜月,最后,那些注定了的话, “Kevin,我怀孕了! ”

I remember those wonderful feelings I had when Donna shared the news with me. I was going to be a daddy. Now, I was a daddy to many ladies in the past, but that was roleplay. As someone who always loved spanking, being a daddy was my specialty. But now, this was not just play. This was real life, and my real life was about to change.
我记得那些美妙的感觉,当Donna与我分享这个消息时。“我要做爸爸了。 在过去, 我在许多女士们的眼中, 我是她们的爸爸, 但是, 那只是一种角色的扮演。 作为一个很喜欢SP的人来说, 做位这个“爸爸” 是我的职业。 可是, 现在不是了,不再只是个游戏了。 这是在生活中真实的, 我真是的生活即将为此而改变。”

Doing as most fathers to be have done, I purchased several books on parenting and how to be a good father. I didn’t want to screw this up. I wanted to be the best dad in the entire world. So, paddle, hairbrush, cane wielding “daddy” was going to have to become diaper changing, hugging and holding, real life daddy. OK, I knew it would be tough at first, but darn it, I was going to do it. The one question I often pondered, was, is spanking hereditary? I remember engaging in many online discussion threads about that topic, but never really could come up with any proof to support either point of view.

我做了很多像其他父亲一样的事, 我买了几本关于亲职教育的书,想知道如何成为一个好父亲,我不想把这件事情搞砸,我想成为世界上最好的爸爸。因此,那个虚拟中使用 板子, 发梳, 藤条的“爸爸”就要变成那换尿布, 抱孩子, 哄孩子的现实中的爸爸了。OK, 我知道一开始会很难, 不过我还是会去做的。 不管过去,还是现在, 我常常思考一个问题, SP会不会遗传?我记得在许多网上讨论关于这个议题,但从来就没有真正能拿出任何证据来支持。

Nine months of hell was the pregnancy. Donna always loved to be spanked, but for those months while carrying the baby, that’s all she could think of. Some women want to eat strange food combinations, or all of a sudden they will love a food they’ve always loathed. I knew that Donna’s craving was for more spanking, and by the 4th month of her pregnancy, I was getting blisters on my palms from all the spanking play. I never thought there could be too much spanking, but I was beginning to see that perhaps even spanking should have its limits. This was a strange pregnancy. Finally, the big day arrived. Donna and I drove to the hospital with Donna suffering from the strangest contractions I’ve ever seen. Her entire body would tense up, then she’d lean over and scream, “Spank my ass you
mother fu*ker!!! This is all your fault” Not wanting to risk her killing me, I did as instructed. Trust me when I tell you, it was not easy driving with one hand, while spanking my pregnant, about to give birth wife, all the way
to the hospital.
怀孕是9个月的地狱生活。Donna总是喜欢被spanked的 ,但是对于那些个月内,因为怀着宝宝,她也只能是想想而已。怀孕的时候有些女人会想吃一些很奇怪组合在一起的食物;或者是突然想吃一些她们平时根本不喜欢吃的食物。但是我知道,对于唐娜来说渴求更多的是spanking 。在她怀孕的第四个月的时候,由于spanking这个游戏,我的手都起泡了。我一直以为再多的spankings还是不够的,但是现在我觉得或许spanking还是应该有个限制。这是一个奇特奇怪的怀孕。那个重大的日子终于来临了,Donna和我驱车前往医院时,唐娜的痛苦来自很奇怪的痉挛,那是我从未见过。她身体的各个部位都跟着紧张起来,然后她超越极限的尖叫着, “ 打我的屁股, 你这个 mother ****er (粗话) !这所有都是你的过错”为了不想冒着她会杀我的危险,我就照着她的话做。 相信我, 一路去医院的路上,我的一只手SPANK我那我怀孕即将分娩的妻子, 另一只手开车。 这还真不是一件简单的事啊!
Finally, we got to the hospital and as the doctors greeted us at the entrance, my wife started insisting that they spank her. Thank the good Lord above that the doctors were in such a hurry; they didn’t even pay her much
attention. During her labor, I was repeatedly ordered to smack her behind. Donna seemed more intent on getting spanked, than having this baby. I’d never experienced anything like it before in my life. One of the doctors there was a friend of mine, whom, believe it or not, I had met on the Internet, in a spanking chat room. I confided in him about Donna’s strange behavior, and he did seem concerned. He asked me if I had ever seen the movie, “Rosemary’s Baby,” and I told him no. He just shook his head and said, “Rent it.”
最后,我们到了医院和医生打招呼,我们在入口处,我的妻子开始坚持要他们也spank她。感谢我的上天,医生们在这如此忙乱的情况下,他们甚至没有很关注她说的话。在她生孩子的时候, 我还一直被命令着打她的屁股。比起拥有这个宝宝,Donna 似乎更热衷于获得spanked 。在次之前我的生命中从来没有经历过类似像这样的事件。不管你相不相信,那的一位医生是我的朋友,我们是在spanking 聊天室里见过的。我肯定他注意到Donna 的奇怪的行为。他问我,是否曾看过, “罗斯玛丽的婴儿, ”这部电影,我告诉他没有。他只是摇摇头说, “去租来看看” 。
Ten hours after it started, Donna finally delivered the baby. I’ll never forget the first few minutes after the birth. The doctor noticed that the baby wasn’t breathing, so she gave the baby a slap on its bottom. “Was it gas, or did she just smile?” I heard myself think. Her little bottom turned this deep shade of red and the redness would not go away. The doctors were mystified about this. Donna and I just kept remarking about our babies little red fanny, and thus her name was born. I also found it funny that the song, “Fanny Be Tender” was playing just at the time of her birth. I remember laughing at that, but also feeling another emotion. Was it one of dread?
从开始已经10小时了,Donna 终于把宝宝生下来了。我将永远不会忘记宝宝降生后那最初的几分钟。医生意识到 婴儿没有呼吸,所以她打了一下宝宝的屁股。 “我听到了什么声音。 她是刚才放屁呢? 还是她刚刚笑了?” 我自己在和我自己说。 她的屁股一点点变红了, 那个红色很就没有消失。 医生对于这一点很是惑不解。Donna 和我只是一直讨论我们的宝宝的小红屁股,就这样,她的名字诞生了。我同时也有趣的发现"Fanny Be Tender"这首歌这好在她出生的那个时刻响起。我记得对于那感到好笑的同时也感觉到另一种情绪。这是否是一种恐惧呢?


Fanny was a different kind of child. During her infancy, every time we would change her diaper, she would start rubbing her bottom and in some cases, even smacking it. The baby would then laugh hysterically. Donna and I
were getting really nervous at it all, and we even decided to turn vanilla for a while. OK, it didn’t last all that long, but we wanted to set a good example for the baby.

From the time she could walk, Fanny was naughty. There is no other way to put it. She is my daughter and I love her, but the truth is the truth. The kid was a brat. Now, I read all about the terrible two’s, but this kid
was setting new records for misbehaving. I did all I could to keep her from killing herself. She would run away while we had her out in the street, she often would show an interest in playing with electrical wires. I mean,
everything that was a no-no, Fanny was intent on doing. I often would spank Donna for Fanny’s misbehaviors, so at least I got something out of the deal. As fanny got a little bit older, she would do things that caused me to
stop and wonder about her. Once, she got up and announced that she was going to play with her dolls in the street. When I said, “Young lady, you stay on the sidewalk,” the little imp walked over to me and said, “Oh yeah, what are you going to do to make me, daddy?” Don’t let anyone tell you that time outs work. I gave Fanny more time outs in one year, than the Los Angeles Clippers are forced to take during an entire basketball season. If anything, she only behaved naughtier, if that was possible.
从她开始走路的时候起,她就很顽皮了。我也不知道该怎么说呢 。她是我的女儿而却我很爱她,但事实是事实, 这个孩子就是个小捣蛋鬼 。现在,我所经历的所有恐怖的事情只有两个,但这个孩子却常常因为她失常的行为来创造新的纪录。我做了所有我能阻止她自杀的事情。当我们在马路上走的时候,这个小孩就一个人跑掉。 她一直多电线很感兴趣。 我的意思是, 在要是不可以做的事, Fanny 都会想尝试的去做。 我常常会打Donna的屁股,因为Fanny的捣蛋行为。 这样一来,我会感觉好一点。当她年纪渐渐大点的时候,很纳闷她会做些什么事情来导致我来停止一切。有一次,她站起来宣布,她要和她的娃娃在马路上玩。然后我说: “小姑娘,你留在人行道上。”这个小魔鬼走过来和我说“噢,耶,你要怎么样啊? 爸爸?”不要相信那个什么 timeout (time-out 是站在墙角反省的意思。 在美国,大人是不可以打小孩的, 所以很多的家长和老师就给小孩 time-out。)在这一年中,我给了Fanny的 time-out 多的说也说不清。 可是, 这个小孩还是一天天变得更淘气。
I also thought it was strange that this little girl always would take a crayon and color the seat of her pants, and even her panties red. This was quite shocking to me, and when I asked her why she was doing that, her answer was, “Because no one else will.” Then she added, “Care to prove me wrong on that one, daddio?” I calmly walked into the kitchen and took about 4 Valium.


Most little girls played with dolls. Now, I know that this is true, after all, many of my friends had little girls of their own. I often wondered why mine played with wooden spoons? The first time I tried to teach her how to play ping pong, she handed me a ping pong paddle, bent herself over and said, “Let’s test out your forehand shot, pops.” I’m
not even going to tell you what it was like trying to teach her to play paddleball at our local summer beach club.

Did you ever hear of a child who insisted upon being sent to Catholic school, so long as (to put it in her own words), “they are very strict there?” I once found a list that was left under my pillow of all the states that allowed corporal punishment in their schools. Yes, the handwriting belonged to my daughter Fanny.
你们有没有听说过那个孩子坚持要把自己送往天主教学校的孩子吗?(在美国,那些宗教的学校都管的很严, 一般的小孩都是去那些在家附近的公立学校。)那个孩子还问我“,那里他们管地非常严格吗?”又一次, 我在我地枕头下发现了一个单子。 那个单子例着所有州了允许体罚地学校名单。 是的, 那个字迹正是我女儿Fanny的。
Donna and I had discussed this at length and finally decided to call her bluff. So, the little loveable brat wanted to be spanked, OK, we’d show her what a real spanking was like. All we would have to do is wait for Fanny to be naughty, which, if past performance was any indicator, should take about five minutes. Fanny came walking toward me, asking me if she could raid the liquor cabinet. Finally, I said to her, “Ok, you are 11 years old and you’ve been asking for a spanking since, well, since you were about two minutes old. Now you are really going to get it.” I waited for a while. I waited for Fanny to start crying. Surely she would apologize and promise to be good. I swear to you, this kid was smiling with her teeth.

经过Donna和我详细的讨论,最后决定吓唬她一下。既然这个小可爱的小丫头想被打屁股,那么我们就让她尝一尝什么是真正的 spanking! 那么,现在我们要做的就是等待她调皮的时候。实际上,如果按照她过去的行为来看 ,也就应该需要5分钟。Fanny 向我走过来了,问我,她是否可以捣乱餐具柜。最后,我对她说,“OK,你已经11岁了,可是在你2分钟大的时候你就开始找打了。 现在你会真正的得到它。”我等了一会儿,我在等Fanny开始哭泣。我以为那个小孩要道歉并保证会改好。可是我可以向你保证,这小孩没有道歉, 还是露着牙齿对着我笑。
I took her by the arm and gave her a few hard swats to herjean -covered bottom. She laughed and said, “Oh, your wimpy hand is no match for my jeans.” I removed her jeans and swatted her bottom again and again. She seemed to be enjoying it, but that is not possible, or was it? “OK miss, I’ve had enough of you,” I said to her, as I lowered her white (but red in the seat of course), panties. I started smacking her bare bottom again and this time she opened her mouth. “Yes!!! I thought to myself. Finally, she is going to promise to be good. Finally she will understand that a spanking is no joke. Finally she will…” “What’s the matter daddy, you are not going to take me over your knee?” I was thunderstruck. I was shocked. I fainted dead away.
我抓住她的胳膊,用力抽打了几下她穿着牛仔裤的屁股。她笑着说,“你这个没有力气的手, 更本不能和我的牛仔裤做比较。”我拖下她的裤子,然后不停的用力抽打她的屁股。 她似乎很享受,但是这是不可能的,对吧?“好了,小鬼,我已经受够你了”我对她说,我脱下她的白色的内裤。我开始再次的用力抽打她光屁股,这时候她好像要开口说话了。“YES!!!”我想她终于要开口保证变乖了。她也终于明白spanking不是开玩笑了。结果,她却。。。。“爸爸,你在干什么? 你怎么不把我放在你的大腿上打呀?”我像被雷劈了似的,太震惊了,我晕死了过去。


I awoke in the hospital with my wife Donna seated beside my bed. I told her of this scary dream I had, all about how spanking can be hereditary. As my eyes darted around the room, I saw Fanny sitting there along side Donna.
Fanny was holding something in her hand. “What does Fanny have there?” I asked Donna. Donna took a deep breath, and held my hand. “It’s a hairbrush Kevin. She won’t put it down.” Since I was already in bed and in a hospital, the fainting spell was easy to have.
我醒了, 发现自己在医院里。 我的妻子Donna坐在我床的旁边。我告诉她我刚才做的那个可怕的梦。 那个梦都是是关于spanking 是可以被遗传的。当我眼睛打量这个房间的时候,我看到Fanny孤单的坐在Donna的身边。她的手里好像攥着什么东西。“Fanny手里拿了什么东西?”我问Donna。唐娜深呼了口气,握着我的手。 “那时发梳,Kevin, 她就是不愿意放下来。”即然我已经在医院的床上,这一样使我很容易昏倒。

So, take heed from this tale, all you spankos out there. I say that yes, spanking is in the genes, especially when my little girl always seems to color her jeans, red. Donna and I are doing the best we can. Oh sure, we play when we can, after all, once a spanko always a spanko. It’s just that we have to be very careful not to let Fanny hear us. I remember Fanny’s English teacher calling us and informing us that each week, the kids engaged in an exercise called, “Tell us about it,” in which they have to stand before the class and speak about anything they wanted to. Fanny, at age 9, decided to talk about what a “safeword” is and why it’s important. Does anyone have any extra Valium?

好了,可以看出来,你们这些喜欢被打屁股和喜欢打屁股的人, 我说, 是的, spanking是在遗传,尤其是当看到我的小女孩,她似乎总是喜欢把她的牛仔裤涂红。Donna 和我都将尽我们最大的努力去做。哦当然,当我们想玩的时候我们会玩,毕竟,只要你开始喜欢打屁股,你就一直不能放下她了。 只是我们必须非常小心,不要让Fanny 听到我们。我记得Fanny 的英语老师打电话通知我们,孩子们每星期都做“告诉我们有关这个的”的练习,这是一个让他们站在班级前面告诉大家任何他们想说的东西。 Fanny,在9岁的时候就已经决定讨论什么是“ safeword ” 和它为什么那么重要了。 ( 关于 safeword. 很多人喜欢用 safeword。 在主动和被动之间, 我们可以设置一个safeword,那么, 不管是谁不想打了,或者, 不想被打了, 只要谁喊出这个safeword, 那么一切的spanking都要结束。 ) 谁还有安定药啊???
The End
© js@smilingwithteeth.com “Otkforu” not to be reposted without permission



Thank you!!!

well, I love this story very much as well!!! :slight_smile:

以下是引用 redhand 在 2008-6-6 20:50:00 的发言片段:


I was thinking to separate English and Chinese, however… I wanna help people with English here, so people can learn English while reading my story.

umm… I asked my “daddy” about it too. He told me it was not true. Well… you never know… maybe in some family, there really exists a Fanny like the girl in the story. heheh…

hehe… thank you !!!

Well, in fact, many stories here are not REAL!!! If you love “real”, then you should get spanked or spank someone all the time instead of spending time here reading my story!!!

You said you love stories in Chinese. Okay, I can tell you that I love stories in English. I don’t have any feeling when I read stories in Chinese sometimes!!!

haha… thank you!!!

I remember the first time when I was reading this story, I was laughing my ass off. Then, after I finished reading the story, I got scared, becaues I was thinking if one day my kid is like Fanny in this story too. I emailed my the author and asked him if it is real or not. He told me it was not real, however, it could be real in our life. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you like it. :slight_smile:

以下是引用 惟独喜欢你 在 2008-6-11 0:44:00 的发言片段:



“it was not easy driving with one hand, while spanking my pregnant, about to give birth wife, all the way to the hospital.”有创意!

Thank you, si si. :slight_smile:

you did a good job helping me translate it!!!

以下是引用 蛛丝 在 2008-6-9 22:47:00 的发言片段:


Thank you very much!!! It is a good thing that you enjoyed my story!! However, why you dont wanna have a baby??? Spanking does not affect your life. I mean it should not affect your life!
以下是引用 hohobb 在 2008-6-9 19:04:00 的发言片段:

It’s nice!

I like yrs words.

Spanking is the main reason that why I don’t wanna give birth to baby!

ummm… i hate belt !!! it sucks!!!

以下是引用 apluto 在 2008-6-9 15:23:00 的发言片段:

以下是引用 桑爽 在 2008-6-19 15:14:00 的发言片段:



Thank you. I’m glad that you enjoyed reading this story.

I dont know what “247” is… what’s that??? I never heard of it.

以下是引用 456 在 2008-6-19 20:24:00 的发言片段:


What do you mean by “aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…???”