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London times
Olympics: the power and the glory - China leaves world awestruck
The world saw China as it sees itself and as it wants to be seen by the world. Swaying nymphs from Buddhist mythology shared the Bird’s Nest stadium with inscriptions of Confucius and children armed with huge, oversized calligraphy brushes.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was about China’s historic achievements and its dreams of future success. The show focused on moments that China sees as defining its journey through history, culminating in its current status on the brink of becoming a world superpower.

Zhang Yimou, the designer of the breathtaking show and an Oscar-nominated film director, selected themes that would be easily understood by an international audience, relished by his hundreds of millions of Chinese viewers and appreciated by the Communst leaders for dodging any sensitive moments in China’s path to becoming an Olympic host.

He began with Confucius, vilified by Ma oZ ng, but now cultivated by the Pol,itburo as a role model for the people. With a roll of drums – used over thousands of years to mark the time – 2,008 costumed men from the People’s Liberat…ion Army pounded out a hypnotic beat with glowing red drumsticks to get the ceremony under way.

Next into the stadium were 3,000 men in flowing robes of the Warring States period, representing the students of Confucius. They repeatedly chanted a saying of the ancient sage that every Chinese schoolchild learns.

“Friends have come from afar, how happy we are.” The film director left his audience in no doubt of his intention to intertwine the show of Chinese cultural achievements with a message that China wanted to be friends with the world.

First, a display of China’s great inventions. In the land that invented gunpowder, 29 colossal “footprints of fire” lit the night sky and marched through the city along the “dragon’s vein” that delineates its north-south axis – once the foundation of imperial power.

A huge scroll – a symbol of the unfurling of Chinese history – rolled open across the floor of the stadium. Dancers writhed across its centre, sweeping ink strokes over the surface that represented another of China’s great inventions – paper.

Among the most dramatic moments was the demonstration of printing, when hundreds of performers hidden in grey boxes etched with stylised Chinese characters rose and fell in unison. They surged and rippled to show the Great Wall and to spell out the character “he” – or harmony. It is not only one of the fundamental tenets of Confucian thought, but also a favourite theme of President Hoou, who watched from the seat of honour.

Its message was intended to convey that the shock and awe of China’s Olympics – the most expensive in history at $43 billion (£22.5 billion) – do not portend the arrival of a country that could menace the world.

Last of the inventions was the compass, its arrival accompanied by dancers holding huge painted paddles that they held together to create illustrations of ancient ships.

The printing blocks metamorphorsed into peach blossoms – a flower synonymous in China with utopian gardens of peace and eternal life.

Then the tableau disintegrated and the scroll showed illustrations of camels on the Silk Road – an era in Chinese history when the country inched open its doors to trade with foreign countries.

This was a spectacle that emphasised the moments when China encouraged exchanges with the rest of the world.

A giant globe emerged from under the floor, and acrobats ran rings around the gyrating sphere. On its top, Britain’s Sarah Brightman sang with the Chinese idol Liu Huan.

The Chinese leadership had turned out in force. The Pol itburo Stand ing Committee sat stiff in the dark suits, white shirts and red shirts that have become the uniform since the Ma o jacket was cast off. One or two tried a smile but most maintained the poker faces deemed correct for leaders of a land of 1.3 billion people. Lesser officials chose shirt sleeves and most had equipped themselves with fans to try to ease the stifling humid heat.

President Huoo made attempts at conversation with his neighbour Jacques Rogge, chief of the International Olympic Committee. It was, of course, the point of the night to make friends.

As if to emphasise China’s hope that the world would not see its growing might as a threat, the deep-throated cries of another Confucius saying echoed out: “We are all brothers in this world.”

The thousands of umbrellas unfurled to show the smiling faces of children from different countries. More fireworks erupted in a display that mirrored those happy faces in showers of red, pink and purple sparks.

Glossed over in the snapshot of 5,000 years of history were the centuries when China was closed off from the world – and the decades of Commuoonist rule in the second half of the 20th century. Girls dressed as ladies from the Tang dynasty (618-907) an age of great openness, paraded across the stage in their stiff, embroidered dresses. It was a time of emperors who were ready to engage with outsiders.

And this was a time when China wanted to be a friend to the world。

ny times

China Leaders Try to Impress and Reassure World

BEIJING — An ecstatic China finally got its Olympic moment on Friday night. And if the astonishing opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympic Games lavished grand tribute on Chinese civilization and sought to stir an ancient nation’s pride, there was also a message for an uncertain outside world: Do not worry. We mean no harm.

Usually, that message is delivered by the dour-faced leaders of the ruling Commuoonist Party, who dutifully, if sometimes unconvincingly, regurgitate the phrase “harmonious society” coined by President H u . But in the nimble cinematic hands of Zhang Yimou, the filmmaker who directed the opening ceremonies, the politics of harmony were conveyed in a visual extravaganza.

The opening ceremonies gave the Com Party its most uninterrupted, unfiltered chance to reach a global audience estimated at more than four billion people. At one point, thousands of large umbrellas were snapped open to reveal the smiling, multicultural faces of children of the global village. Benetton could not have done it better.

Any Olympic opening is a propaganda exercise, but Friday night’s blockbuster show demonstrated the broader public relations challenge facing the munist Party as China becomes richer and more powerful. The party wants to inspire national pride within China, and bolster its own legitimacy in the process, even as leaders want to reassure the world that a rising China poses no danger.

That has not been an easy sales pitch during the tumultuous Olympics prelude, in which violent Tibnnetan protests and a devastating earthquake revealed the dark and light sides of Chinese nationalism. But for one night, at least, the party succeeded wildly after a week dominated by news of polluted skies, sporadic protests and a sweeping security clampdown. Across Beijing, the public rejoiced. People painted red Chinese flags on their cheeks and shouted, “Go China!” long after the four-hour opening concluded.

“For a lot of foreigners, the only image of China comes from old movies that make us look poor and pathetic,” said Ci Lei, 29, who watched the pageantry on a large-screen television at a glitzy, downtown bar. “Now look at us. We showed the world we can build new subways and beautiful modern buildings. The Olympics will redefine the way people see us.”

China has grown so rapidly that even people who live here often do not realize that the country that, seven years ago, won the right to stage the Games is no longer the same place. In 2001, China’s gross domestic product was $1.3 trillion; this year, it is estimated to reach $3.6 trillion.

The scale and speed of that growth often leaves the outside world awed, but also worried. China has the world’s largest authoritarian political system. Chinese society is prospering, even as it is cleaved by inequality and struggling with human rights abuses, corruption and severe pollution.

China is asserting its diplomatic muscle in Asia and Africa and pumping money into a military that by the Pentagon’s estimates now has greater resources than any except that of the United States. Yet foreign investment and open export markets have been crucial to China’s success, and it still seeks, even depends on, the support and respect of the United States and Europe.

These contradictions are one reason Mr. Hu has promoted the amorphous concept of a “harmonious society” as a rhetorical tent encompassing policies intended to soothe, if not necessarily resolve, a range of tensions.

Earlier on Friday, Mr. Hu hosted world leaders at a luncheon inside the Great Hall of the People. His table guests illustrated China’s evolving, sometimes conflicted role in world affairs.

At one seat was Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, with whom China sided in July to veto a United Nations resolution, backed strongly by the United States, that would have imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe, after most observers had concluded that Robert Mugabe stole the presidential election there.

President Bush shared the same table. So did the Japanese prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, with whom China has been conducting a careful reconciliation designed to repair relations that were badly strained by nationalist fervor in both countries just a few years ago.

Perhaps no guest better illustrated China’s uncertain diplomatic balancing than President Nicolas Sarkozy of France.

Earlier this year Mr. Sarkozy threatened to boycott the opening ceremonies to protest China’s crackdown of the Tibhhetan protests in March. Chinese nationalists, cheered by the state-run media, promoted a boycott of the French retailer Carrefour and filled the Internet with anti-French postings. France and China then scrambled to contain the damage and reopen the door to Mr. Sarkozy’s visit.

“The historic moment we have long awaited is arriving,” Mr. Hu said in a speech at the luncheon on Friday. “The world has never needed mutual understanding, mutual toleration and mutual cooperation as much as it does today.”

China first bid for the Games 15 years ago, when party leaders were struggling to recover their legitimacy at home and abroad after they violently suppressed pro-democ ,ra cy protesters in Beijing in 198. 9. They were rejected then, though by a narrow margin, and when China won the right to host the 2008 Games, the Olympics had become something of a national obsession.

Leaders spent an estimated $43 billion in building roads, stadiums, parks and subway lines in trying to transform Beijing into an Olympic city.

Plans to welcome the world — “Beijing welcomes you!” is one Olympic slogan — have suffered from polluted skies and the presence of a security force of more than 100,000 people summoned to guard against terrorist attacks.

Yet even amid such a huge police presence, the crowds that gathered near the Olympic Village on Friday afternoon were giddy and proud that China could show itself to the world. Yang Bin, a D.J., had traveled more than 500 miles to Beijing from the city of Chongqing.

“I came to Beijing last night to celebrate the Olympics, even though I don’t have a ticket,” Mr. Yang said. “China is never more glorious than today. The whole world is watching us.”

The opening ceremonies reportedly cost tens of millions of dollars and involved 15,000 performers inside the latticed shell of the city’s new National Stadium, known as the Bird’s Nest. No Olympic opening ceremonies are thought to have approached it in cost and scale.

The production was filled with signature Chinese touches: the elaborate choreography of dancers on a giant calligraphy scroll; the undulating rows of Chinese characters, with the character for “harmony” illuminated; and the use of masses of people, working in unison into a grand spectacle centered on traditional Chinese history, music, dance and art.

“This is a huge gathering for sports lovers, and I am one of them,” said the famed composer Tan Dun, whose score will be played during gold medal ceremonies. “This is a lot more than about China. If we think this is only China’s moment, it’s a big mistake. It’s the moment of the world.”

Mr. Zhang, the filmmaker, has said he wanted the opening ceremonies to be his gift to China. The climactic moment of the evening came during the ceremonies to light the Olympic flame. Li Ning, a Chinese gold-medal winner in gymnastics, was hoisted by thin cables to the stadium’s roof with the torch in his hand.

Then, as the cables slowly guided him around the inner rim of the roof, as if he were running, a digital scroll unfurled behind him with images of some of the thousands of other torch bearers who had carried the flame during its journey around the world this spring. The mesmerizing sight culminated with Mr. Li igniting a giant torch affixed to the roof.

China had called the torch relay a Journey of Harmony. But unharmonious protests erupted during the torch’s stops in London, Paris, San Francisco and elsewhere. Those images were absent from Mr. Zhang’s digital scroll. Filmmakers, of course, work from a script.

Just as men really cannot fly, art is not reality. As Friday night proved, art and artifice can inspire. One burden of staging one spectacular show is that people will want and expect an even more spectacular one in the future. And as China’s leaders celebrate, that is the challenge facing them.

The Beijing Olympics are now under way. They will end on Aug. 24. Then the world will exhale and look away from China and its search for harmony. But the Chinese people will want more. And then the real Games of China will begin again.

la times

China flocks to TV screens to share Olympic pride

BEIJING – They might not have tickets to the Games. They might never set foot in a stadium. But wherever there was a TV screen, big or small, the people of Beijing on Friday gathered and cheered, soaking up this brief moment in the long history of this ancient capital when the Olympic flame illuminated the Chinese sky.

Despite suffocating heat and the threat of a summer shower, locals poured into designated parks and viewing areas, grandparents and babies in tow, some waiting hours for a foothold among the standing-room-only crowds of thousands that roared past midnight.

“I am so proud to be Chinese tonight,” said Ju Ke, a 19-year-old animation student who got a front-row seat on the grass of Ditan Park before two giant monitors.

As the spectacular opening ceremony began and a little girl in a red dress sang a popular tune on the screen in praise of the motherland, tears welled up in Ju’s eyes.

“China has made so much progress in recent years,” he said. “Chinese culture is so amazing. The Olympics are so hard-earned.”

All the years of waiting and sacrifice seemed worth it when the Games finally began at eight minutes past 8:00 on the eighth day of the eight month in the eighth year past the second millennium, a moment seen as auspicious by the Chinese.

“This is such a huge deal for Chinese people,” said Li Shengli, 78, a white-haired grandfather and retired electrician who had passed out eight times in the heat since showing up at the park after lunch to get a spot where he could sit. “I don’t know if I can live long enough to see the next Olympics. So I had to be here, to participate, to show I care.”

“Look at the spirit of these people. Isn’t it exciting!” said Liu Jianhua, 57, a neighbor of Li, as young people around him with red flags painted on their cheeks chanted in unison, “Go, China, go!”

Bus driver Liu Fengyun and his wife, Yang Guixin, traveled by train here 10 days ago from a small town in northeastern Liaoning province. Even though they could not afford tickets to the competitions, they had to be in Beijing to be as close as they could, to bear witness.

“We were both born in 1949,” said Liu, referring to the year the communooists took power. “We are the same age as China.”

“They’ve probably been preparing for this day since Deng Xiaoping opened up China to the world,” said Nicholas Martelli, a Chinese-language student from Italy who also had waited hours to see the show on the big screen, along with a group of spectators from Spain.

Just outside Ditan Park, a barbecue restaurant was packed with folks who didn’t want to watch the festivities at home or feel left out.

“I’ve been told to stay away from the Bird’s Nest because we are not locals and we have no tickets,” said He Daifu, 37, a migrant worker who sometimes helps tear down old buildings to make way for new construction projects like the ultramodern Bird’s Nest, formally called the National Stadium.

Li said as he shared a beer and roast lamb with a buddy: “I am a peasant by birth. These Games are not for people like me. Good thing there are TVs.”

Outside the park, the streets of Beijing were eerily empty. The government gave people the day off to reduce congestion. Some major thoroughfares were blocked to traffic unrelated to the Games.

Zhang Bin lives in a historic neighborhood in the shadow of the Confucius Temple where many people still reside in crowded courtyards without indoor plumbing. He had wanted to buy fresh fish to cook Friday night for his family as they watched the festivities on TV. But his corner vendor no longer had fresh produce or meat because the delivery trucks, like other old, smog-spewing vehicles, were being denied full access to the roads as officials sought to clean the air for the Games.

But his 60-year-old father, Zhang Ziyan, didn’t think their small troubles were worthy of complaint.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime event,” he said. “We need the Olympics to be a success. We want everybody in the world to feel our happiness.”
ftChina welcomes the world
China pulled off a diplomatic triumph on Friday, turning the Olympic opening ceremony from the low-key political event it has traditionally been into a spectacular visual display attended by a roll call of world leaders.

Underlining China’s growing global presence, more than 50 presidents and prime ministers attended the lavishly choreographed ceremony in Beijing’s “bird’s nest” stadium. They included George W. Bush, the first US president to attend an opening ceremony outside the United States, Russia’s prime minister Vladimir Putin and Japan’s prime minister Yasuo Fukuda.

Earlier in the day, the leaders queued in a half-hour-long receiving line to be photographed alongside Hu , China’s president, with a painting of the Great Wall as a backdrop.

Alongside the grand opening ceremony, which was watched by an estimated 4bn television viewers, the images were designed to show China’s emerging international status to the world and the continuing legitimacy of the Commuoonist party government at home. The Chinese authorities have pursued diplomacy and occasional threats to persuade as many leaders as possible to come to Beijing.

With human rights groups lobbying leaders to steer clear of the Games, there were some notable absentees, including Angela Merkel of Germany and Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who called off his visit a few weeks ago citing the summer heat in Beijing. Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, is due to attend the closing ceremony.

However, French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who had flirted with the idea of a boycott after the March turmoil over Tibehht, did attend.

Mr Bush, who talked about the situation in South Ossetia with Mr Putin, urged China to increase political and religious freedoms. “We strongly believe societies which allow the free expression of ideas tend to be the most prosperous and the most peaceful,” he said at a ceremony to open the new US embassy in Beijing.

Olympic organisers injected a note of business competition into the proceedings by choosing former gymnast and entrepreneur Li Ning as the athlete to light the Olympic cauldron. As well as winning three gold medals in the 1984 Los Angeles games, he is the founder of the Li Ning sporting goods company, a serious rival to Nike and Adidas in the Chinese market.

While the Chinese authorities offered a warm welcome to international leaders, they were taking no chances with potential dissent. Four dissidents contacted by the Financial Times said they had been all but consigned to their homes during the Games.


世界の子どもの笑顔、東京から配信 北京五輪開会式






以下是引用 dnzg66 在 2008-8-12 11:54:00 的发言片段:
Haha, nice post. Just don’t post everything the New York Times writes about China here.

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