🦢|M/F|终于知道什么是恐惧了 || 5722字

生活在现代社会, 被父母疼爱, 被老师疼爱, 长大了被男友疼爱, 所以我从不知道武力是什么, 更不知道由武力产生的恐惧是什么。直到前天下午,被OLIVER大大的,坚实的巴掌教训了一顿,才知道原来挨打,即使只是被打屁股,可以这么痛苦, 女人在男人面前是这么无力,恐惧原来是这样的一种感觉。

我和OLIVER约好在SHOPPING MALL见面, 我在约定时间前2分钟到达,随即看到了他。他确实很高, 足有190CM,每天早上30分钟的慢跑使他的体型也保持着和年轻人一样的健美.我175CM的身高,加上5CM的高跟鞋在他面前也还是显得娇小。我们一起吃了西班牙菜,然后逛商场, 一直都很融洽,但是我知道他喜欢我, 开始有意无意的TOUCH我,呵我的痒,直到我开始用指甲抓他,用拳头POUCH他的肚子。在从商场出来坐滚梯的路上, 他突然抓住我的手和他的手做了个比较, 说道:“你看看我的手比你的手大多少, 年轻女士,所以你你最好停止抓我, 不然我会用我的大手好好的教训你的。” 我当他是玩笑, 随即用细细的高跟鞋在他的脚上狠狠踩了一下, 他脸上的笑容僵住了,然后眨了一下眼睛,不再说话。我们出了商场到了停车场,到了车前面我刚准备上车,就觉得身体被圈住, 随即被强行转了过来, 我被他面对面的堵在车的侧玻璃上, 他抓着我的双肩, 笑眯眯的说: "Do you know how naughty you are? You will pay for it!"他随即把我向前轻轻一拉,又快又恨的在我的左臀上甩了几个巴掌, 我当即觉得我的整个左腿都麻了, 傻傻的站着连反应都没有了。这时有人来停车了, 暂时把我从懵的状态中解救出来, 我警告他有人来了,他就暂时停了手。等我恢复了一点神志, 我开始用拳头痛击他的肚子, 当然没两下就被他挟持住了双手。等其他人都离开了, 停车场又再次剩下我们两个的时候, 恶梦开始了。

他一手打开车门, 一手没有间断的抓着我的胳膊, 怕我跑掉。刚刚等他在汽车后座上坐稳, 我还没来得及反应, 就一下被按在了他的腿上。我还没明白要发生什么事, 就觉得屁股上被重重的一击, 裙子已经在不知不觉中被撩了起来。 他紧接着命令我说:Give me your hand! 我根本来不及挣扎, 右手就被他扣在了背后, 而左手被压在身下。我被完全制住了, 我绝望了。紧接着, 无情的巴掌落在我的右臀上, 巨大的痛楚是我从来没有经历过的, 每一下除了打在屁股上之外, 还给我的整个身体带来了强悍的冲击,我感觉我的心脏都要跳出来了,我感觉自己要死了, 脑子完全处于瘫痪状态。我试图加紧臀部的肌肉以抗击一些冲击, 但是没有2下我就无法做到了, 两条腿松松的没有一点力气。等我稍微恢复了一点理智,我的第一反应就是我要怎样做, 怎样说才能让他停手。我实在痛的受不了了,在身体完全被挟持的情形下我想到了哀求,“I beg you to stop! please! I will be good!" 他仿佛真的看我被打得不行了,把巴掌移到了左臀,力量稍微轻了些。“Now you should learn your lessons, you know you should have been good!" 我在半懵半醒之间好像听到他嘴里咕哝着这些话。

惩罚终于停止了, 我瘫痪在他的腿上,根本动不了。他放下我的裙子, 将我的上身抱起来,揽在怀里。我心里充满了愤怒和对自己无力与他抗衡的无奈,我想要用手痛击他的脸,或者用指甲掐他, 但是我不敢, 我真的不敢,我被打怕了, 现在他无论让我做什么我都会做, 只要他别再打我。他开始抚摸我的双臂和后背, 轻轻的亲吻我的额头, 而我根本没有力气做任何反应, 还处于惊吓状态。大约过了10分钟, 他托着我站了起来, 我强装能够正常行走, 第一次发现怎么从车的右后门到左前门是这么远, 几步之遥好像几千米, 好不容易才捱到了副驾驶座位上。我一下瘫在座位上, 屁股上的疼痛和滚烫无法形容。。

晚上回家后, 当我看到镜子中的自己时, 完全惊呆了,太红了, 尤其是右臀。皮肤是疙疙瘩瘩的,中间夹杂着几道深些颜色的淤痕和突起,隐隐约约的是个手掌或是几个手指的轮廓。皮肤的热度在几个小时之后还没有完全降下来。那是一个无法睡得安稳的夜晚,第二天早上5.30我就醒了, 醒来的第一反应就是我挨打了。下了床就直奔洗手间查看伤情, 颜色不再那么红了,稍微深了一些,但在坐下的时候还是很疼。第三天早上的颜色就更深了, 轻一些的红色退去了,但是右臀上最严重的一块变成了黑,青,紫的混合色,并且发硬,疼痛基本可以不影响什么了。

我把我的亲身经历拿出来和大家分享。我感觉身体上的疼痛是一部分, 留给我更多的是当时的恐惧。在挨打之前真的不知道手掌就可以制造这么大的疼痛, 就可想那些板子和棍子之类的东西了。

我把OLIVER之后的感受贴在下面, 请大家欣赏。如果需要, 我可以翻译, 但是我想大家都能看懂。

Hello my precious girl,

Now for my thoughts on out meeting…

The drive from Y took 50 minutes. That pleased me, if things went well today it would mean that we could see one another again quite easily and possiibly in the evening during the week. I found the M centre, parked the car and searched for Lewis. I was 10 mins early and as i stood around waiting, I looked for a beautiful chinese girl. One o’oclock arrived, but still no sign of J. I walked around outside the store…and then i saw her! She was peering into the store to see if i was inside. I watched her for a few moments before i walked towards her. She looked a little nervous and as I came close to her, she didn’t realise it was me until the last minute. I took her hands and kissed her cheek. I don’t think that she was used to this kind of greeting as she seemed a little uncomfortable.

I chatted to her as we went to look for a retaurant. She was calm, but seemed a little uneasy. Soon we found La and settled down at a table together. We ordered drinks and took our time to choose the food. J let me order for her and, as we sat and chatted, she seemed to ease a little and began to smile. (she has a beautiful smile!) I tried to take her hand a couple of times after we had eaten in order to judge how tactile she was… she let me hold it for a moment but quickly pulled away. She wasn’t comfortable with me yet, but i think she was warming to me.

The conversation went well over lunch and after we had eaten I asked her what she would like to do. She said she wanted to go and look at the shops but thought i wouldn’t enjoy that. I reassured her that I was interested to see M as it was my firts visit and so we went off to look for clothes for her families. As we walked around the store, i tried to take her had again…this time, she seemed more disposed to it and it wasn’t long before i was holding her and tickling her. Her response to my tickling her was to dig her very sharp nails into my hand! She also tried to hit me a couple of times and so i gave her a slap on her bottom. She seemed to like this game and at one stage i took her behind a display of rucksacs and gave her a couple of deliberate swats on her bottom, then pulled her to me and left my hand on her bottom while we talked.

After the shopping was over, I asked her to walk me to my car. We talked about when we might see one another again and fooled around as we walked to the car park. She hit me again a couple of times and i pulled her close to me and threatened a spanking if she continued… this jut made her worse!

As we got to the car to say goodbye, i held her close. She felt nice in my arms, just right, as if she was meant to be held by me, but when i tried to kiss her tenderly on the lips, she insisted that i could kiss just her cheek or her forehead. I soooooo wanted to kiss her on the lips. As we stood talking at the car, she dug her nails into my hand agian. I remonstrated with her and she just became more badly behaved, hitting me a couple of times. I decided that she needed to be taught a lesson. I caught her by the wrist and pulled her close to me, holding her tightly. I lifted her short skirt and saw she had tights and white panties on, then i gave her a couple of sharp slaps across her panty clad bottom. This stopped her for a moment, but then she began to hit me again. People were coming, so i had to stop for a moment and she was smiling, thinking that she could get away with hitting me!

I made up my mind to spank her properly… just as a naughty little girl should be spanked… over my knee… and BARE!

I told her to get into the car and drove to the far corner of the car park, well away from any other people and the security cameras. I reversed into a corner and ordered her out of the car and round to the back. Opening the rear door and pushing my seat forward, i caught her by the wrist and pulled her into the car and across my lap. Holding her firmly, i pulled her little skirt up out of the way and very quickly pulled her panties and tights down to reveal a delightful little bottom! As she was lying across my lap, i hoped that she couldn’t feel the effect the sight of her bare and helpless across my lap, was having on me!

Without hesitating i gave her 5 hard smacks on her left cheek, followed by 5 on the right, At first she held her legs tightly together, in the hope that i shouldn’t see the delights concealed between her cheeks, but by the time i was givng her her next 10 smacks, her legs were parted and she was kicking a little, leaving nothing to my imagination. I smiled to myself at the sight of the soft silky hair between her legs… sooooo beautiful! By the time i had given her another 5 smacks on each cheek, her bottom was very red and she was begging me…but in a very quiet voice, almost a whisper… to let her off any more. I paused, stroked her bottom gently with my hand and after a few moments, pulled her panties up and lifted her onto my lap. She was sooooo quiet, so silent. I held her very close, gently hugging her and kissing her face, whispering that she was forgiven and that she had been a good girl to take her punishment so well. She asked if she could just stay there in my arms to collect herself and so we sat for a few minutes like that. I held her and it felt just right, as though she was MEANT to be there and to be held by me. I then let her stand and got out of the car with her. No sooner had I done that, than she hit me again. I told her to stop, but she hit me again…only this time i was ready for it! I got back into the car and pulled her in after me rather roughly and she caught her head on the side of the car! Once inside again and over my knee, i took down her panties again and gave her alrady red and rather sore bare bottom another 20 smacks. This time she wriggles and as her legs opened, i landed a couple of smacks on the top of her legs which made her kick a little harder. I stopped spanking her for a moment and asked her if she would beahve if i let her up… she said she would… I made her answer again and this time call me Sir, which she readily did.

I now knew that i had her completely under my control ! After stroking her bottom a little and gently parting her cheeks, i took her on my lap again for a cuddle and just held her very gently and very tenderly in my arms, kissing her cheeks and forehed. I still wanted to kiss her properly soooo much! After several minutes, i let her get up and go back to the passenger seat. She was walking quite uncomfortably and pulled a face as she sat down in the car. I reached out and held her hand…this time she held it gently and did not scratch. I thought, “Now she is begining to learn her lesson!” We talked like old friends for a little while before it was time for me to drive home and as she left i kissed her gently on the cheek and waved goodbye to her.


My afternoon with J was very enjoyable. She is a very attractive girl who is fun to be with. I think she fancies me as she was flirting with me as we wallked around the shopping centre and finally submitted to me in the car park.

There is one thing I do know for certain. I fancy her like crazy and can’t wait to see her again!

哦, 不奇怪。

和他一共见了3次面了, 昨天的一次是在树林里。好玩!

翻译啥? 哪一部分?

以下是引用 golden_snitch 在 2007-6-23 23:19:00 的发言片段:
100% 老外手笔. 不过你当然可以有自己的JUDGEMENT了.


我过会把中文译文发上来, 我自己翻的, 见笑了.


你好, 我心爱的姑娘,


从 Y 城市开车过去花了我50分钟, 这令我很高兴, 因为这意味着如果能够相处愉快, 我们可以很容易的找一个平常的晚上再见面。我找到了M 购物中心, 停好车, 并看到了LEWIS, 我提前到了10分钟, 所以就在门口转悠,我要找一位漂亮的中国姑娘。 1点钟到了, 还没有J的影子, 我就在店外转来转去, 就在这时我看到了她。 她证往店里瞧呢, 看我是不是在里面。 我盯了她一会就走向她, 随着走进她, 我发现她看上去有些紧张,一直到最后她才看见我。我握了握她的手, 亲吻了一下她的脸颊,从她的表情上看我猜她并不习惯这种礼节。

我们开始走向吃饭的地方, 并展开了谈话。 她不太说话, 也表现得并不轻松。很快我们找到了L餐厅, 并坐下了。我们点了喝的,并花了一些功夫点菜。J让我替她点菜,她也慢慢的随着我们的谈话放轻松了一些, 并开始有了笑容。(她笑起来很美!)有几次我试图握住她的手, 想看看她心里是不是很戒备。她先让我握一会儿, 然后就很快的放开了。她还没有和我相处得很自然, 但是她在慢慢接受我。

谈话在我们的午餐期间进行得不错,我问J吃完饭干什么。 她说她想去逛逛商店但是怕我不会愿意。我告诉她我愿意因为这是我第一次到 M 购物中心。然后我们就一起开始给她的家人买衣服。在我们一起溜达的时候, 我再次试着握住她的手, 感觉她适应一些了, 没多久我就开始抱抱她, 并呵她的痒。 对于我的呵痒, 她的反应是用她十分尖利的指甲抓我的手!她还有两次企图打我!我因此扇了她屁股一下。她看上去喜欢这种打闹,所以我借着她背对着我试背一个背包的时候,对着她的屁股故意地打了几个巴掌!然后把她转过来,趁着说话把左手留在她屁股上了。

逛完商店, 我让他陪我走到停车场,我们说起了何时再见以及发展关系。她又打了我两下,我就把她拽过来,警告她如果再这样做, 我就好好地教训她!但是这只令她变得更糟!到了我停车地位置, 我把她揽得很近,有她在我的臂弯里感觉好极了, 就好像她注定了就应该被我抱着的。但是当我想要温柔地亲她她的时候, 她拒绝了, 说我只能亲她的额头呵脸颊。我是多么想亲吻她的嘴唇呀!就在我们站在那里说话的时候, 她又用她的指甲抓我。我提出抗议, 但她只是更不听话, 又打了我几下。我于是决定要教训她一下。我抓住她的手腕,一下把她拉近并紧紧的扣住她,我把她的短裙撩起来,发现她穿着连裤袜和白色内裤,然后我就照着她被内裤覆盖着的屁股狠狠的打了几个巴掌。

这个举动让她暂时住手了, 但是没多久她就又开始了。这时车场有人来了, 我只能暂时停了手, 看见她冲我微笑, 估计她以为她打完我就能一走了之!

我这时彻底决定要好好揍她一顿屁股, 就像打一个淘气的小姑娘。。在我腿上。。打光屁股!。。

我让她上车并把车开到车场的拐角,这样 远离其他车而且保安的监视器也捕捉不到。车倒好后我就命令她下车并到车的后门。我把后门打开,把我的驾驶座位向前移了移,抓住她的手腕,拉她进车,把她紧紧地按在我腿上。我把她的裙子撩起来并迅速地把她的内裤和连裤袜褪了下来, 一个令人愉快地小屁股就这样露了出来。我希望她无法想象自己被光着屁股按在我膝盖上的无助情景。

没有任何犹豫, 我在她的左臀上狠狠地打了5下, 接着右边5下。她开始使劲夹着腿,希望我无法看见她的隐私处,但是随着下面的十下, 她的两腿软软地松开了, 并开始乱踢,没有给我的脑子留下任何幻想。随着我在她的两片屁股上又各打了5下, 她的屁股变得非常红,她也开始求我了。但是声音非常小, 小得好像是在耳语,求我放了她。我停手了, 用手轻轻地揉了揉她的屁股,然后给她提上内裤, 并把她抱起来放到我膝上。 她是如此的安静, 如此的沉默。我把她抱得很近, 轻轻地亲吻她的面颊,并告诉她已经被原谅了, 她是一个听话的好姑娘,能够这样听话地完成自己的惩罚。她问我是否可以在我腿上坐一会儿, 我们因此就这样坐了一会儿。我这样抱着她感觉好极了,就好像她就应该这样的被我抱着。然后我让她站起来,之后和她一起从车里出来了。

但是我一迈出车, 她就又打我,我让她住手, 她还是不停手。这次我有准备了!我回到车里,然后用力地,甚至有些粗暴地把她也拉进来, 致使她的头都碰到了车顶。我一把把她拉到膝盖上,迅速地再次扒下她的内裤,又给了她通红而又疼痛的屁股20下,这次她的身体扭动了,腿也是松开的,打在在她大腿上侧的几下致使她的腿踢得更厉害了。我停了手问她如果我这次放了她, 是不是就听话了, 她说是。我再次让她重复了她的回答, 并让她称呼我‘先生’, 她连忙照做了。

此时我知道她已经完全在我的控制下了。在轻轻地揉了揉她的屁股后, 我又把她抱回到膝盖上,并温柔地搂着她,亲吻她的额头和脸颊,我是如此地希望亲吻她的嘴唇!过了几分钟, 我让她站起来,回到副驾驶座位。她这几步走看起来很艰难,坐回到副驾驶座位后也沉着脸。我再次握她的手, 她轻轻地接受了并且没有再抓我。我想:她开始长记性了。

我们像老朋友一样的聊了一会儿, 就到了我该离开的时间了, 我亲吻了她的脸颊, 并挥手向她告别。


和J在一起的整个下午非常开心。她是一个非常迷人而又有趣的姑娘。我想她也喜欢我因为我们一起逛街的时候她开始和我调情(我哪里有啊?他自作多情!), 并最终在车场向我屈服了。

有一件事我非常清楚:我疯狂地喜欢上了她, 盼望和她再相见!

译完了, 希望大家喜欢。

以上的译文是我第一次被OLIVER打的情景. 第二次的见下面,但是没有他写的了.

抱歉, 刚刚发现已经发表的文章是无法粘贴的。所以, 请各位感兴趣继续阅读的GGMM去到 文学作品/真是经历/“这一次, 我真的害怕了”

都是我发表的真是感受, 只不过那里的都是中文的。


一如既往的, 我们在M中心见面. 我今天特别的打扮了一下, 穿上黑色5分裤,配上马靴,上面是一个吊带礼服加上白色小外套, 我特地在外面肩上斜搭了一条红色的披肩,这样使自己看上去艳丽些.

在去M中心的路上, O给我发了短信, 说: A Chinese girl will be going home with a very sore bottom tonight!

我回到What did she do to deserve that? If she has to be punished, I will suggest her to put on a pair of pants which are difficult to be pulled.

他又回到: She left her phone home once, which caused me waiting for her call for whole day and she argued to go to see dentist when she was told. If she dares to wear pants while she knows I prefer short skirt and stockings, she will be in big big trouble!

哈! 我喜欢这种短信!

到了M中心, 他一看见我就连呼’gorgeous’, 然后就说我怎么瘦成这样. 没办法, 由于牙痛, 我已经一周没怎么吃东西了.他先是同情加可怜地抱抱我, 亲亲我, 然后就严厉说: I told you to see dentist as early as you can, but you did not listen, you deserve a hard hard spanking, young lady! 他想亲我的嘴唇, 但我还是不让.

“我听你的了, 早上刚刚看过医生, 医生说继续吃止痛药, 然后2周以后给我补牙.’我连忙解释, 顺便斜眼看他. 他穿着西服, 很儒雅, 又高又瘦.

我们一起出门走向他的车, 外面下起了小雨, 他打伞, 我挎着他, 能够感受他胳膊上紧紧的肌肉,一点脂肪都没有. 10分钟的车程, 我们一起到了那家墨西哥餐厅,我点了海鲜Paella, 他笑我总是点这个, 但是我实在思念米饭了, 已经吃了好几天的土豆, 而且我的牙不好.

随着吃饭, 我先是摘掉了披肩, 然后脱掉了外衣.(哈哈, 有点挑逗) 我知道自己会被吊带礼服衬托得很漂亮, 从他欣喜的眼神里我可以看到. 可惜昨天在花园里被蚊子狠狠的咬了一口, 上臂肿起了拇指大的包, 毁坏了手臂的流畅曲线. 我们边吃边聊, 我时不时的攻击他几句, 他就盯着我的屁股然后警告我说: 小心你的屁股!

吃完饭, 喝完咖啡, 结完帐, 他很快的把车开到了我们2周前到过的P山区. 车刚刚停稳, 他就一把把我搂过去,按在身上就是狠狠的几巴掌. 好在我穿着裤子, 系着金属的装饰腰带, 他一时解不开. 尽管如此, 我仍然感觉到巨大的疼痛, 屁股随着就开始发烫. 我挣扎着坐起身, 当然也是他坐在驾驶座位上不方便打我, 放开了我. 随即冲着他的肚子和胸口就是狠狠的几拳. 他下了车, 走到后备箱去拿了打屁股用的板子出来, 迅速地走到我的车门前, 打开车门, 强行拉我下车. 我死死倚着车门不下来. 但是都是徒劳, 他一只手就把我提了出来, 真希望自己那时是150公斤重. 脚刚一着地, 屁股上就挨了一板子, 本能的刚要用手捂, 第二板就来了. 我顾不上挡, 连忙逃开, 跑到车的另一侧, 他就提着板子追我, 我们笑着在车的周围兜了两圈, 真的好像回到了小时候爸爸追着打我的情景.

他嘴了说着些’等我逮着你, 有你好受的’之类的话, 脚下移动的速度越来越快. 真跑起来我哪里是他的对手呀, 没一会儿就被他逮住了. 他把我拖到车后座前, 开始解我的’多重防护’长裤. 解开这裤子确实有些难度, 他刚才抓我都没有用这么长时间. 很快, 马裤, 内裤, 都不顾我的尊严跑到了膝盖以下, 我又脸向下地倒在了他的双腿上, 两手紧紧的被挟持在身后. 这是一个多么难堪的姿势呀!

凶狠的巴掌开始在我的屁股上着陆了, 右边完了左边, 左边完了右边. 说实话, 我感觉那不是人手, 是一个大大的石板. 人的手怎么可以那么有力, 坚实, 无情? 让我感觉不到那是血肉做成的手? 大约过了20下, 他停下了问我: “一会儿吻不吻我?”
“NO!” 我还在强.
他婆娑了我的光屁股两下, 我刚刚觉得好点. “啪!” 地一声, 木板首次打到了我的身上.
“啊!” 这一下换来了我凄厉的惨叫. 随着第二板的来临, 我的身体开始毫无章法的Twist. 我能听到我的声音一下升高了很多, 已经是那种完全失控的喊叫. 这种尖利而凄惨的喊叫随着打在我屁股上的每一下大概继续了6,7次, 我开始求饶了, 我穿着粗气地说我会吻他. 他停了手说: “Kiss me properly?”
我说: “Yes.”
他又用板子左右开弓地打了两下, 说: “Yes what?”
我 “噢, 噢” 叫了两声后, 连忙说: “ Yes, sir.”
他放下板子, 给我揉了揉屁股, 开始赞我的臀型好, 小而坚实等等. 但是这些赞美对我来说此时根本没有任何意义.
我被他抱回到膝上, 他把我的头枕在他肩上, 轻轻的亲吻我的头发. 我想把内裤先穿上, 但是他不让, 我当时一定是蠢到了极点, 看他不让就捶了他胸口一下, 他马上一瞪眼, 翻手又把我按回了脸朝下的姿势. 我当时真的是又后悔又生自己的气, 怎么那么不理智, 还没离开他的腿呢就又去招惹他. 没办法, 不理智的行为总要付出代价的. 他这次没有用板子, 只是用巴掌打我, 但是好像力量没有那么大了. 我猜一定是我可怜的屁股不忍让他再狠打了. 他看我的尖叫没有那么凄惨了, 就又开始加力了. 我疼的受不了了, 头和身体一起摇晃着, 更像哆嗦, 腿更是使劲地踢着… 我喃喃地求他: “ Set me free, please, I will be good, I will kiss you properly!”
“You will be good, won’t you?” 他的口气温和多了.
“Yes, I will”
“Yes, what?” 他又加重了口气.
“啪!啪!” 又是两掌.
“Yes, sir.” 我已经没有什么力气再多说了.
他终于放了我, 让我穿好裤子, 回到副驾驶座上.

“ Now kiss me properly.” 他在我们落座之后提出要求. 我哪里那么容易就答应呀. 我嬉皮笑脸地迟迟不肯, 他非常地受挫, 但是也没有办法. 我们就这样地聊了一会, 就开车回家了.

回家后查看伤情, 发现这次地淤痕不厉害, 面积比较集中, 可能就是那几个板子的结果, 当天就不疼了. 我感觉O 已经不是那么地只把注意力放在SP上了, 所以他在打我时不那么重, 那么多次数了,更多地是爱抚我的屁股. 他好像开始作为一个男人来喜欢我了, 他和我提出多次想和我发展成LOVER, 并因此长久下去. 可是我不想呀, 他因此好像有些 失望, 但是我们相遇的初衷就是SP 呀. 男人! 真是搞不懂!

他的问候, 这回不用译了吧.

Hello my PRECIOUS girl,

Hope that your teeth are now fully recovered and that there is no longer any pain. (Whispers…the only pain i want to see is for your bottom! )

I loved my time with you on wednesday night and am looking forward to Monday.

Have a lovely week end and take care until you are in my arms again.


Oliver. xxx

好久没来了,哈哈, 和O已经暂告一个段落, 一个是我们地理上分开了, 还有就是我不希望和他发展成恋人。

现在好像觉得SP很荒谬, 也不想再尝试了。

好久没来了, 不知大家过得如何。

OLIVER又纠缠了我一阵, 但是我不喜欢他, 所以很长时间没有联系他了,估计他也终于死心了。回头看看, 觉得自己写的东西也挺有意思的, 又考虑是不是再继续。大家都有什么经历呀?有没有一段不玩SP又重新开始的?

那就看中文的。最近又痒痒了, 可惜没有人在身边可以实践, 唉。。

有的, 不过我都快忘记了, 只记得当时都要死了.

还能更新吗? 5年了。

和Oliver的那段经历已经过去5年了。 不知怎的, 我们还偶尔保持联系。今天是我长假的第一天, 盼望着他来看我, 再续写挨打的感受。