🏝杰克的惩罚(上) || 4064字



















































“我不明白你的意思,葛盖思先生, ”他说。







































原文:Jake was the only kid watching through the window. All the other children, girls and boys were nervous, reading and rereading their books. In any moment the teacher would enter the room with the feared maths final test. He wasn’t nervous because, as reward for his efforts all year long, he was exempted that final exam.

Since very young, Jake demonstrated he had a natural ability for mathematics. He knew that some of his classmates did envy him, like the children he helped. And a few of them even hated him because that ability for the numbers.

-Ability helps, but you have to work.- Jake thought. -And work hard.-

Jake remembered the countless hours studying in school, in the library. The work in home: more study, homework, preparing for expositions in class. And because his parents also knew of his ability, he had to do extra work and extra study "to prepare to get a scholarship" they said. Nobody in class worked as hard as Jake.

When he began fifth grade, he saw school year as almost endless months full of homework. Now, at last, the end of school year was there, a few days away. The math exam was the last one, later they would attend school only to cover the schedule, boring for hours. Then, Vacations! He would be free to play with his friends, get fun, sleep a lot. A month later, his eleventh birthday. A party and some presents.

Jake wasn’t worried: his overall grades were good and next school year and sixth grade were too far.

Mr. Klienmann, his teacher opened the door and got inside. His left hand was holding the sealed envelope of the math test. A soft, collective moan was heard. Mr. Klienmann sat.

-Okay class. Books under the table. Have some paper, pencils, ruler and your calculator. Jake, please come here.-

-Jake, we will take three hours for the test.- He said with soft voice. -I’m sure you will find something interesting to do…Jake, I know you would have preferred to stay at home, but we have rules. I’m sorry.-

-Don’t worry Mr. Klienmann.- He answered.

Jake felt the eyes of everyone over him, looking with envy. Jake got out the classroom and closed the door softly. Sure he would find something to do. The school was pretty empty. The younger children were already on vacation. Some of the older ones were answering tests, too. Other let the kids study on their homes and assisted only to take the exams. The library was full of boring books; the sport yards were empty, too, as the cafeteria.

He sat on a bench, playing with some pebbles. He would like to be in his house, playing with his dog, Mr. Bark, and with Harry, his best friend, who was trying to answer the test.

But, then he had an idea. Some of the teachers and administrative personnel were absent, too. Maybe he can visit "the dungeon".

The school of Jake believed on corporal punishment, and some of the punishments for young violators, were given in a little room, known by the students and even some of the teachers as "the dungeon".

Jake, as the majority of the children in school, received punishment a time or another. Several times, he received some painful hits with a wooden ruler in his hands and knuckles, and one time was given some swats in the rear of his thighs, just below his shorts, but never had been taken to the dungeon, as some of his friends had. They told, some even sobbing, that they had to remove their shorts and underwear and lay mouth-down over a special-built bench, with their legs hanging and wrists and ankles fastened to the bench with belts and buckles.

Then, Mr. Gergas, a P.E. instructor and designated as punisher, decided how many swats the violator needed, based in what the kid did or didn’t. He would later, asks the teacher about the kid: if he or she didn’t say the truth, they would receive extra punishment and a note to the parents, citing them to speak about the awful behavior of their kid. The spankings were administered with, what a boy said it was a riding crop, used on animals. The children, girls or boys, could have as few as three swats and as many as twenty. And some even were required to go two days in a row. Jake shivered when did think on it.

The dungeon was behind the administrative offices, and generally, the kids were afraid to get near, thinking that Mr. Gergas (Mr. G. as he liked to be called.) would punish them for spying if caught. But, sometimes, the kids dared each other to go next to it, and put the ear in the wall, trying to hear something. Jake remembered some day he was dared: he and other kids heard a soft sob from inside. Later two boys were allowed to return to their classrooms.

Jake walked casually in front of the offices, looking for the employees, but only a few were there. Good. Mr. Gergas wasn’t on sight. He approached warily to the dungeon. He put his ear in the door. All silence. Then, he knocked the door and run to hide behind a tree. With pounding heart he waited, but nobody open the door. Jake approached again and grabbed the lock. Generally, the school rooms were not locked. But this was.

-Rats!- Thought Jake. -The only lock I…- A heavy hand grabbed his shoulder.

Jake jerked. Mr. Gergas in fact was in the school. He went to the cafeteria to have a cup of very hot brew, when he saw a boy acting strange around his dungeon. The punishing was stopped until the next school year, so he wondered what the boy was trying to do.

-What are you doing here, son?- He said, trying to look serious.

Jake didn’t answer. He was really scared. Maybe Mr. Gergas would punish him for spying.

-You don’t have to be afraid. You are not coming for a punishing, are you?- He asked.-Did your teacher sent to me?-

-No, Mr. Gergas. He didn’t…- Jake said.

-Are you sure, son? You must not lie to me.- Said Mr. G. -Who is your teacher?-

-I…I’m sure, Mr. G…My teacher is Mr. Klienmann.- Jake said, shaking.

-Mr. Klienmann is in an exam right now. Isn’t he?- Mr. G. said. -Then, what are you doing here? Did you escape?-

-Noo! I exempt the exam, sir. - Jake said, feeling his fear growing.

-Okay. Then, again, what are you doing here?- He said. -Do you know what this room is used for?-

-Ye…yes, I know Mr. G…I…I only wanted to know how the room was from inside…- Jake said with his shy voice, just about to weep.

-Don’t you know the room from inside?- Mr. G. asked. -Haven’t you been punished here?-

Jake shook his head.

-Well, you didn’t lost nothing.- He took a key holder from his belt. -Do you still want to know it from inside?-

-Ye…yes, sir. I think…- Jake said, a little relieved.

Mr. G. opened the door and turned on the light, letting Jake to go inside. Jake was a little surprised: it was only a little room with two wooden chairs, with another door right in front.

-Do you want to see the place where the children are punished? What is your name, son?- Mr. G. asked.

-Jake Frankson, sir. Yes, I would like to see it…-

Mr. G. opened the door and made Jake to enter, closing the door behind them. Jake got freeze. The room was a little bigger. In a wall, a hanger and a poster of the statue of the justice, blindfolded and with a shiny sword, were the only decoration. In each one of the corners were painted a red circle, with numbers one to four. And, in the center of the room were two machines. Jake thought they looked like the horse he and his classmates jumped in the gym, but very ominous. The sides were solid almost to the floor. Between the floor and the top hanged two leather accessories, one for each side. The top was padded with a thick piece of plastic foam. A leather strap was rolled over the pad. On the side, close to the floor, a piece of wood with two holes, were just above a metal platform with a mechanism of thread.

-These are our machines, Jake. You step in the platform, are raised so you can bend your waist and lay mouth down over the padding…- Mr. Gergas said, patting the pad with pleasure. -Your wrists are fastened with a pair of leather shackles. The strap prevents your hips to rise. Your legs hang and are secured by the piece of wood and there you are, ready for the spanking. Of course, you have to remove your shorts and underwear. Do you want a demonstration, Jake?-

-No, Mr. Gergas.- Said Jake, hurried. But those were fascinating. Jake imagined himself lying on the machine, tied and about to receive a spanking. With other kids watching him and waiting for their turn. Why not?

-Don’t be scared, Jake. Let’s go. Visit hour is over.- Mr. G. said.

-Mr. Gergas…- Said Jake cautiously.


-Mr. G., can…-Jake did hesitate.- Can I…err…lay on the…machine. Just a moment, Mr. G.-

-You want to lie on the machine?- Asked Mr. G. -Why? It’s not for pleasure.-

-I want to…to know what feel a boy who is going to be punished. - He said. -Just for a moment, sir. You don’t have to tie me. I will imagine I am going to be punished for misbehave…-

Mr. G. thought for a moment.

-Okay. But here is what we will do…- Said Mr. G. -Rather than just imagine, we will follow the procedure. If you want to feel the felt, you have to walk the walk.-

Jake stared at him.

-I don’t understand you, Mr. Gergas.- He said.

-What I said, Jake, is that if you want to feel what other kids feel here, you have to be like them: undressed and tied.- He said.

Jake was confused and reluctant.

-I don’t want to be naked…- He muttered.

-Well. You don’t really want to know what your classmates feel. Let’s go.- Mr. G. took the key holder.

Jake thought.

-Mr. G. Wait, please.- He looked at the machine. Did it worth the candle? -I will…I will undress, but partially…Like a game. We will play a game. Do you understand, sir?-

-Mhh. Okay. Let’s play.- He said, finally.

-First, take off your shoes and shorts.- He said.

Jake, took off his shoes and giggling began taking down his shorts, until he remembered he was using white briefs with multicolor dots.

-Give me your shorts, Jake.- Said Mr. G., grinning. -Nice underwear.-

Jake giggled again, he felt a little ashamed with his shorts. Mr. G. took the shorts and put them in the hanger.

-How can I get over it?- Asked Jake, looking the machine.

-Not so fast, Jake. Take off your briefs, first.- Mr. G. answered.

-We told I would undress partially…- Jake said, moving nervously.

-Yes. You will keep your shirt. You have to take them off to know the real feel, Jake.- He said.

Jake rubbed the floor with his foot.

-Look, Jake: you remove your briefs or we stop playing.- He told. Then he got closer to him and said with ominous voice: -Or maybe you want me to remove them by force.-

Jake looked Mr. Gergas a little surprised. It was only a game.

-No, sir. I can take them down by myself.- He answered, putting his hands over the elastic. It wouldn’t be so bad. It would be like that day in the gym, when his classmates and he, had a pediatrician examination, and the nurse asked him to remove his sport uniform, including the briefs, so the doctor could examine his penis.

He slid down his briefs, head low and not being able to stop a little shy smile. Mr. G. took them, folded and put them on the hanger. Jake looked down: his white polo shirt, with the school logo, was a little long. The tail covered his own tail and covered, too, his groin.

-Maybe, Mr. G. let the shirt there, when in the machine…- He thought. Then, Mr. G. grab him by the shoulders and made him turned, giving him the back. He took the tail of the shirt and folded it up, carefully, taking it almost to the shoulder blades, fastening in the place with a sticky tape. Jake moaned, and put his hands over his groin.

-Okay, Jake. When you are to be punished, you have to show your rear, as a part of the punish. You can turn again.- He said. Jake turned, his face red as a tomato. He was almost naked. The folded shirt didn’t cover even his nipples. Mr. G. watched the bony chest, the few soft muscles of the skinny torso, the thin arms covering the groin, the long and skinny legs and the socked feet.

-Why I must be almost naked, Mr. Gergas?- Asked Jake, with his shy voice. He was feeling shameful, and wishing not to be there. But a part of him, liked to be there, vulnerable and defenseless.

-Didn’t your parents spank you, Jake?- Mr. G. asked.

-No, sir. - Jake answered.

-I supposed that. That corrupts children. When your parents prepare you to be spanked, they develop a ritual.- He explained. -In this case, the ritual of remove your underwear should mean to you, that you had done something bad. Since it’s shameful to you, means that your parents are in control, leaving you helpless. And, here, it adds a little humiliation to the kids.- Mr. G. put his hands over Jake’s shoulders as he talked and later, gave a little pat in his cheek.

-Are the girls naked, too?- Asked Jake.

-No. The girls lay in the machine fully clothed and their skirts are folded up, when spanking. You know. The girls are delicate. The boys are tough. - He answered. -Well, Jake, step on this stair.- He said, indicating the metal platform on the machine.

Jake stepped. Mr. G. turned a wheel that move a thread and the platform move upwards. When Jake’s waist was at level with the top, Mr. G. pushed him softly.

-Bend your body, Jake Lay mouth down.- He said. Then he lowered the platform until only the toes of Jake touched it. Jake discovered the pad was soft. And that at the edge of the top was a hole, to accommodate the penises of the boys. He rubbed the pad with his hands.

-It’s soft, eh. Jake. It’s better to get kids more calm.- Mr. Gergas said.- We change it sometimes. Some boys lost their control and pee when spanking…-

-Uh…- Said Jake. Mr. G. pushed down softly his shoulders from the front. He grabbed Jake’s arms and made it hang along the sides. Then, he took the leather accessories. They were small chains, covered with leather and equipped with a buckle.

Jake saw him.

-We can skip…- Told Jake as Mr. Gergas rolled the chain around his wrist, buckled it and fastened to a special lock on the side. -this step, Mr. Gergas…- Jake moaned, as his other arm was secured, too. -We are only playing, please…-

-We are playing, Jake. But are playing realistic.- He looked for looseness and made some adjustments until sure Jake’s arms are tightly tied. -Now, the hip strap.-

Mr. G. unrolled the strap. He run it over Jake’s back and buckled it. With a little winch, he tightened it, until Jake moaned. He lowered more the metal platform, until Jake’s legs hanged freely. He undid wing nuts on the piece of wood, separate the two halves and, after adjust the height, put Jake’s ankles on the holes. He held them covering with the other halve and tightened the nuts. Jake sighed.

-Well, Jake. You’re ready for a spanking. How it feels? - He said. The look of a kid put in the machine, half naked, unmovable and defenseless was exciting for Mr. G. The torso, arms and legs held, and sometimes the early tears and begs from the kids, made it more dramatic. But now, there was that boy, pale, but voluntarily offered to be punished.

linktko 发表于 2012-7-23 11:01

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